Summer Interns 2014
Meg Dizon and Julia Jumalon from PSHS Central Visayas Campus and Maikee Lagasca and Cleo Vibas from PSHS Central Mindanao Campus participated in the 2014 SSIP program as SanD interns. During their three week immersion training in SanD, they developed interactive visualizations of root-finding and numerical integration techniques. Using advanced computing software, they obtained the temperature-dependent magnetization of a classical Ising magnet in the mean-field approximation and programmed numerical integration routines.
UP Manila BS Applied Physics students Shannen Andrade and Krishna Godino also joined SanD as summer trainees Shannen and Krishna learned to use computational software for image processing tasks. Due to their background as health physics students, they worked on programming user-friendly interfaces that allow researchers to identify and count cells and bacterial colonies in digital micrographs. They also produced SanD's tribute video that celebrates the 50th anniversary of ICTP.