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Optimal polarization and susceptibility profiles of a half-filled open magnetoelectric Fermi-Hubbard optical dimer, Phys. Lett. A 525, 129898 (2024).
. Caloric and spin transport profile of Fermi-Hubbard systems, Asian Network School and Workshop on Complex Condensed Matter Systems 2023, P.16 (IOP VAST, Vietnam, 2023).
. Effects of interparticle interaction on the spin transport in a half-filled open elastic Fermi-Hubbard optical lattice,
Proceedings of the 41st Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2023-1F-05 (Siargao, 2023).
. Magnetocaloric and electrocaloric heat engine and refrigeration cycles in the open Fermi-Hubbard optical dimer with attractive interactions, Phys. Lett. A 481, 129011 (2023).
. Caloric effects in an open Fermi–Hubbard optical dimer due to onsite and heat bath-induced two-particle interactions, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 564, 170094 (2022).
. Chemical potential-induced effects on caloric properties of a Fermi-Hubbard dimer,
Proceedings of the 40th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2022-1G-04 (Legazpi City, 2022).
. Refrigeration using magnetocaloric and electrocaloric effects in a Fermi-Hubbard optical dimer exposed to a heat bath, Physica A 600, 127540 (2022).
. Spin transport in a Fermi-Hubbard optical lattice interacting with a Fermi gas bath, 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, P23-SF4-07 (Presented online, 2022).
. Canonical ensemble profile of a Fermi-Hubbard model treated as a double qubit chain,
Proceedings of the 39th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2021-2B-03 (Presented online, 2021).
. Free energy in a spin transport among particles in a Fermi-Hubbard optical lattice,
Proceedings of the 38th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, SPP-2020-5C-03 (Presented online, 2020).