Cristine Villagonzalo | Journal Articles


Prasongkit, J, S Jungthawan & CD Villagonzalo. Enhancing thermoelectric efficiency in twisted bilayer PdSe₂, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 7, 7798 (2024).
Villegas, VP & CD Villagonzalo. Optimal polarization and susceptibility profiles of a half-filled open magnetoelectric Fermi-Hubbard optical dimer, Phys. Lett. A 525, 129898 (2024).


Villegas, VP & CD Villagonzalo. Magnetocaloric and electrocaloric heat engine and refrigeration cycles in the open Fermi-Hubbard optical dimer with attractive interactions, Phys. Lett. A 481, 129011 (2023).


Villegas, VP & CD Villagonzalo. Caloric effects in an open Fermi–Hubbard optical dimer due to onsite and heat bath-induced two-particle interactions, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 564, 170094 (2022).
Villegas, VP & CD Villagonzalo. Refrigeration using magnetocaloric and electrocaloric effects in a Fermi-Hubbard optical dimer exposed to a heat bath, Physica A 600, 127540 (2022).


Sombillo, NI, RS Banzon & C Villagonzalo. Optimal fixed-point quantum search in an interacting Ising spin system, Quantum Inf. Process. 20, 90 (2021).


Sombillo, NI, R Banzon & C Villagonzalo. Measurement-enhanced quantum search, AIP Conf. Proc. (8th Jagna International Workshop) 1871, 020002 (2017).


Baldo, III, CF & C Villagonzalo. Spin inverter and polarizer curved nanowire driven by Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions, Physica E 83, 498-504 (2016).


Baldo, III, CF & C Villagonzalo. Spin-orbit coupled transport in a curved quantum wire, Physica E 63, 93-98 (2014).


Gammag, R & C Villagonzalo. Two-dimensional electron gas tilt-induced Landau level crossings, Solid State Commun. 156, 16-20 (2013).


Baldo, III, CF & C Villagonzalo. Low-lying spin excitations due to next-nearest neighbour interactions in a ferromagnetic lattice with a body-centred cubic (bcc) crystal structure, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 400, 032007 (2012).
Gammag, R & C Villagonzalo. The interplay of Rashba spin-orbit interaction and Landau level broadening on a two-dimensional electron gas under a tilted magnetic field, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 400, 042009 (2012).
Gammag, R & C Villagonzalo. Quenching of the DOS beats in a two-dimensional electron gas in tilted magnetic fields, Solid State Commun. 152, 757-761 (2012).
Gammag, R & C Villagonzalo. Persistent spin splitting of a two-dimensional electron gas in tilted magnetic fields, Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 22 (2012).


Villagonzalo, C & R Gammag. The intrinsic features of the specific heat at half-filled Landau levels of two-dimensional electron systems, J. Low Temp. Phys. 163, 43-52 (2011).


Gammag, R & C Villagonzalo. Crossover of the specific heat from the quantum Hall to the classical regime, AIP Conf. Proc. 1119, 213 (2009).
Jacosalem, NJ & C Villagonzalo. Numerical investigations of symmetric embedded quantum well systems using the shooting method and transfer matrix technique, AIP Conf. Proc. 1119, 219 (2009).
Villagonzalo, C, J Bornales & JG Betoya‐Nonesa. Women in physics in the Philippines: Quantized yet taking steps toward a mature science culture, AIP Conf. Proc. 1119, 155-156 (2009).


Gammag, RP & C Villagonzalo. The interplay of Landau level broadening and temperature on two-dimensional electron systems, Solid State Commun. 146, 487-490 (2008).


Marco, Jr, R, R Banzon & C Villagonzalo. Hopping in a molecular wire, Science Diliman 16, 10-11 (2004).
Morales, MB & C Villagonzalo. Enhancement of Fe magnetic moments in Fe/Co (001) multilayers, Science Diliman 16, 6-7 (2004).
Tongco, GR & C Villagonzalo. Dipolar interaction in a one-dimensional Ising ring, Science Diliman 16, 8-9 (2004).


Römer, RA, A MacKinnon & C Villagonzalo. Thermoelectric properties of disordered systems, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. A 72, 167-168 (2003).


Villagonzalo, C, RA Römer, M Schreiber & A MacKinnon. Behavior of the thermopower in amorphous materials at the metal-insulator transition, Phys. Rev. B 62, 16446-16452 (2000).


Villagonzalo, C, RA Römer & M Schreiber. Thermoelectric transport properties in disordered systems near the Anderson transition, Eur. Phys. J. B 12, 179-189 (1999).


Villagonzalo, C & RA Römer. Low temperature behavior of the thermopower in disordered systems near the Anderson transition, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 394-399 (1998).