PhD Dissertations

1st Sem 2022-2023

Gene Itable, Entanglement in non-unitary quantum walks on the line
Advised by:
Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2021-2022

Vladimir Villegas, Refrigeration and spin transport of a one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard optical lattice exposed to external electromagnetic fields and a Fermi gas bath
Advised by:
Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2020-2021

Neris Ilano Sombillo, Nonrefocusing nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processing
Advised by:
Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2018-2019

Alexandra Santos-Putungan, Adsorption of carbon dioxide on boron clusters: A density functional theory study
Advised by:
Francis Paraan

1st Sem 2015-2016

Carlos Baldo III, Spin-polarized electron transport in a uniform perpendicular magnetic field along a curved nanowire with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings
Advised by:
Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2011-2012

Rayda Gammag, Tilted magnetic fields and spin interactions on a two-dimensional electron gas at low temperatures
Advised by:
Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2010-2011

Chrysline Margus Piñol, A Verhulst-free approach to population modeling
Advised by:
Ronald Banzon

MS Theses

2nd Sem 2022-2023

Kryss Urbano, Phase transition in a modified 2D Ising system with regions without spin
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

2nd Sem 2021-2022

Klarence Feri, Anisotropic specific heat of finite Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick spin system
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

Midyear 2021

Mykhal Mangada, Image classification with a tensor network-based machine learning algorithm
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Apolinario Miguel Tan, Quantum Fisher information and entanglement in an XY dimer
Advised by: Francis Paraan

1st Sem 2020-2021

Robertson Esperanza, One-dimensional Hubbard chain with Ising-like nearest-neighbor interaction: Clarifying the ground state and its entanglement content
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2019-2020

Cleofe Ayang-ang, Critical Schmidt gap in a variable-range Kitaev chain
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2017-2018

Daniel Marquez, The role of magnetic orbit to orbit interaction in a two-dimensional electron gas in electromagnetic fields
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Raymart Canoy, Work statistics in a quenched Kitaev chain with long-range interactions
Advised by: Francis Paraan

1st Sem 2017-2018

Meliton Chiong III, Density functional theory study of the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide by cobalt salen
Advised by: Francis Paraan

Midyear 2017

Oliver Generalao, The acceleration of PWscf package in Quantum ESPRESSO using commodity GPUs
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2016-2017

Jan Fronimarc Viloria, Determination of the mechanical properties of copper-silver alloy using molecular dynamics simulations
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Jan Philippe Sambo, Dynamical quantum phase transitions in the ground-state quenched XY model
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Amancio II Manceras, Advantage of genetic diversity in a Penna model
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

1st Sem 2016-2017

Jade Dianne Mendoza, Entanglement and fluctuations in the Majumdar-Ghosh model using matrix product states representation
Advised by: Francis Paraan

Midyear 2016

April Cortez, Modeling of spin injection to semiconductors in three-terminal ferromagnet-insulator-semiconductor junctions
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2015-2016

Gene Itable, Implications of the effective medium theory on the topological Anderson insulator phase
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2015-2016

Aura Mae Villaruel, Polarization fluctuation as an entanglement measure for N-level systems
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2014-2015

Francis Bayocboc, Jr., Work fluctuation and irreversible entropy in a quenched XY Heisenberg magnet
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Rona Barbarona, Spin-orbit entanglement entropy in a two-dimensional electron system with Rashba interactions
Advised by: Francis Paraan

Summer 2014

Gina Rose Tongco-Rosario, Specific heat and magnetization of a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-interactions in tilted magnetic fields
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo, Rayda Gammag

2nd Sem 2011-2012

Micielle Capili, Percolation critical exponent β in a two-dimensional lattice with banned sites
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2010-2011

Kristine Eia Antonio, A 2D square Ising-like susceptible-infected model for malware spread
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

2nd Sem 2009-2010

Neris Ilano Sombillo, Analysis and optimization of the damped quantum search and its application to the one-dimensional N-spin Ising system
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2009-2010

Sarah Johnson, A numerical simulation of particle migration in the presence of transverse applied electric fields
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2008-2009

Mary Joyce Hernal, Percolation of topologically equivalent quadrilateral systems
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

Summer 2008

Naomi Jane Jacosalem, Designed quantum well-in-a-well structures using modified Pöschl-Teller potentials: Their bound states and scattering properties
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2007-2008

Allan Alinea, Variational Monte Carlo and a quantum well system in an external electric field: VMC algorithm implementation and a study of wavefunction, energy and particle confinement at the ground state
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo
Chrysline Margus Piñol, Carrying capacity in short bit-string Penna model
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

1st Sem 2007-2008

Rayda Gammag, The heat capacity of two-dimensional electron systems with broadened Landau levels
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

Summer 2007

Karla Belisario-Rivero, Reaction rate model for composite particles
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

Summer 2006

Louella Judy Vasquez, Modeling of the thermoelectric transport properties of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2005-2006

Joselito Muldera, Thermoelectric transport coefficients of bulk and low-dimensional structures
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2003-2004

Marites Labora, Ab-initio structural investigation of Fe/V (001) multilayers
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Marienette Vega, Magnetization and anisotropy of Fe/Co multilayers: A first principles calculation
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

BS Theses

2nd Sem 2023-2024

Ron Michael Acda, Robustness of cyanobacterial photosystem I chlorophyll network against targeted chlorophyll removals
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Don Jayven Bobadilla, Application of tumor growth kinetic models on in vivo and in vitro cases of cancer cell proliferation
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Jami Joyce Carig, Genetic diversity in semelparous and iteroparous Penna model with population reduction
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Mark Danganan, The implementation of a transverse Ising model with a perturbation in a quantum circuit
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Hans Gamido, Localizing regional indicators of 2-m surface temperature dynamics using explainable artificial intelligence
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Charmaine Tolledo, Tuning electronic and optical properties of bulk vanadium dioxide via transition metal doping: A first-principles study
Advised by: Gennevieve Macam
Ana Clarissa Torio, Density functional theory characterization of halide-doped bulk CsPbI₃ perovskites
Advised by: Gennevieve Macam

1st Sem 2023-2024

Mark Brongcano, Density functional theory study of electronic and optical properties of alpha-alumina in the generalized gradient approximation
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Mico Glorioso, Glucose starvation effects in tumor cell proliferation: A 2D Monte Carlo study via agent-based modeling
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Zachary Hizon, The effect of cluster geometry on the localization of the quantum state in the quantum percolation model in two dimensions
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Ajay Lagrimas, Spatial association between nighttime lights and COVID-19 incidence in the Philippines
Advised by: Francis Paraan
John Samuel Suico, Variational quantum eigensolver implemented on a 1D quantum harmonic oscillator
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

2nd Sem 2022-2023

Alyana Daquioag, Document classification by locality-sensitive hashing
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Jose Antonio Gamboa, Election opinion dynamics through the 2D Ising model
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Joshua Deiondre Malalad, Forecasting next day wildfires through image segmentation using convolutional neural networks
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Andrei Espencer Ordonio, Thermodynamic characteristics of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick spin system at its energy crossings
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Joseph Garret Rances, Assessment of image compression performance by different singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm variations
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Mary June Ricaña, Universal Language Model Fine Tuning (ULMFiT) for Filipino language text classification
Advised by: Francis Paraan

1st Sem 2022-2023

Kobe Brian Sacres, Interpreting convolutional neural network classifications of weather phenomena using integrated gradients
Advised by: Francis Paraan

Midyear 2022

Faye Espalmado, Protein structure prediction in 2D HP lattice model using particle swarm optimization
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

2nd Sem 2021-2022

Leon Sergio Dela Cruz, Particle separation in Brownian transport through a confined periodic spherical channel via perpendicular forcing
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Gene Herman, Quantum Carnot heat engine with an effective external electric field perturbation
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Jerico Rangel, Qiskit implementation of the 3-body Ising model for alternating coupling constant chains
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2020-2021

Tristan de Guzman, Classifying physics articles by their abstracts with recurrent neural networks
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Raphael Dimacali, Generating images of numbers from text with a generative adversarial network
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Maria Alena Edora, Quantifying the performance of a sparse autoencoder in detecting network anomalies
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Jersey Dianne Ganding, Critical behavior and cluster geometry in an Ising model with changing lattice dimensionality
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Marc Lesney Maddumba, Investigating COVID-19 vaccination effectiveness in Metro Manila using SIR epidemic model
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Aaron Paul Ramos, Schmidt gap in the 1D Ising model with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Tim Jeff Rodriguez, Characterizing localized surface plasmon resonance of metallic nanoparticle in media
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2020-2021

Jairus Calpatura, Intrinsic property dependence of the thermoelectric figure of merit in solid state materials
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2019-2020

Joanne Mae Adelino, Demonstration and characterization of reversible circuits
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Sheenah Ancheta, Modeling atomic interactions for the characterization of the phonon density of states (DOS) of a silicene junction
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Marc Jason Bunagan, Monte Carlo approach to two dimensional cell-tissue population growth via agent-based modelling
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Marc Jerrone Castro, Identifying potential therapeutic protein targets using graph neural networks
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Richmond Co, Long waiting times of 2D continuous-time random walks in external drift forces
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Krishna Lyn Delima, Characterization of the phonon density of states of a graphene junction beyond nearest neighbor interactions
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Mignon Frances Dumanjog, Computational fluid dynamics analysis of melting ice blocks
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Mary Chris Go, Detection of colorectal polyps using YOLOv3
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Jacob Gomez, Classification and characterization of the resulting fragments of two colliding dust clusters
Advised by: Francis Paraan

1st Sem 2019-2020

Kryss Urbano, Effect of region size without spin in a 2D Ising system
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

2nd Sem 2018-2019

Kryzz Joshua de Leon, TensorFlow implementation of singular value decomposition in the density matrix renormalization group
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Michael Nicholas Go, Determination of the higher order periods of the logistic equation using a Chebyshev transform
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Vidal Wyatt Lopez, Effects of image preprocessing on the supervised classification of radiographs
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Gerard Antonio Mactal, Modelling the anomalous diffusion of tracer particles on a graphene lattice using random walks and site percolation
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Matthew Medrano, Computational fluid dynamics analysis of lift and drag on the Teardrop 2.0 and Towpedo submersible
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Dean Von Johari Narag, Effects of tensile and compressive strain on the electronic structure of free-standing silicene using the density functional theory
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Mario Antonio Ongkiko, Density functional theory study of small molecule adsorption on graphene
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Vincent Rivera, Fidelity of a 4-bit Grover's quantum search algorithm application in an Ising spin system with limited precision
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Celso Villano, Jr, Monte Carlo approach to epithelial cell proliferation along a one-dimensional axis
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2018-2019

Ian Felismino, Exploration of Python GPU implementation for DMRG
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2017-2018

Paul Daniel Ang, Structural, electronic, elastic, and piezoelectric properties of AlN from density functional theory
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Cleofe Ayang-ang, Quantum critical behavior in a long-range Kitaev chain model
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Binladin Balt, Correlation functions of an XY spin chain in a random transverse field
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Nica Jane Ferrer, Ballistic thermal transport simulations in graphene using the nonequilibrium Green's function method
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Zheina Ottong, Impact of spatial constraints to the radiation-induced bystander effect
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Lean Peria, Piezomagnetic and electronic properties of Mn₃GaN and Mn₃SnN calculated using density functional theory
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Eduard Renzo Santos, Stochastic description of the radiation-induced bystander effect via fractional Brownian motion
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Jhames Trinidad, Periodicity of local Penna populations with migration
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

2nd Sem 2016-2017

Geronimo Allan Jerome Acosta, Derivation of heat transport equations for a chain of interacting spins individually coupled to different heat baths
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Nicholas Colina, Eigenspectra preservation and orthogonal weight matrix initialization in deep neural network models
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Christopher Patrick Elegado, Implementing a Penna model that avoids artificial deaths
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Robertson Esperanza, Ground state correlations and entanglement in an extended Hubbard model with Ising-like interaction
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Zed Harold Fernandez, Molecular dynamics simulation of glass formation in a copper-silver system
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Apolinario Miguel Tan, Computational fluid dynamics study of gas particle movement inside various chemical vapor deposition chamber geometries
Advised by: Francis Paraan

1st Sem 2016-2017

Ryan Carlos Tabernilla, Parallelized calculation of bond percolation threshold of a 2D Kagome lattice using Monte Carlo methods
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2015-2016

Rafael dela Rosa, Entanglement and coherence in polaron ansätze for a spin-boson model
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Joshua Gregor Dizon, Developing and benchmarking a high-performance computing cluster for computational physics
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Salvador Laurente, Jr., Average work done during a quench of the ground state of the quantum Ising model
Advised by: Francis Paraan

1st Sem 2015-2016

John Kevin Sanchez, Parallel simulations of Wolff Monte Carlo algorithm in a 2D Ising model on a kagome lattice
Advised by: Francis Paraan
Robert Tacbad, Parallel calculation of the largest Lyapunov exponent from time series
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2014-2015

Xavier Puspus, Quantum entanglement in a spin-partitioned BCS ground state
Advised by: Francis Paraan
King Karl Seroje, Mode entanglement in bosonic systems: coherent states, squeezed states, displaced squeezed states, and squeezed coherent states
Advised by: Francis Paraan

2nd Sem 2013-2014

Joachim Suico, Characteristics of non-spanning spatial structures and its effects to criticality and percolation in a two-dimensional square lattice with constrained sites
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2011-2012

Hilton Lazo, Zero-temperature Glauber dynamics of the 1D Ising model with long range interactions
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2009-2010

Earl Angelo Panganiban, Topological equivalence and thresholds of percolating systems with symmetric forbidden zones
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2008-2009

Anthony Amarra, Quantum database search and quantum merge sort: Application to an Ising spin system
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo
Toni Lei Uy, Numerical determination of the optimum successive overrelaxation parameter for Poisson equation particle-in-cell method
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2007-2008

April Cortez, Numerical analysis of hyperbolic heat conduction across a finite medium
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2007-2008

Kristine Eia Antonio, A model for molecular formation rates
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Micielle Capili, Simulation of constrained site percolation in two dimensions
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo
Criswelynn Castro, Simulating superconductivity in films using a one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Mariel Rodriguez, Crafting a predictor-corrector method
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

Summer 2007

Claire Ann Nuñez, A variational Monte Carlo study: A particle in a quantum well system in an external electric field
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2006-2007

Stephanie Ibo Batac, Characterization of the Penna model by the simplex projection method
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

1st Sem 2006-2007

Ralph Paolo Mandingiado, Complexity in competitive populations
Advised by: Ronald Banzon

2nd Sem 2005-2006

Razel Flores Austria, Thermal properties of coupled iterated logistic maps
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Lenie Garcia, Transport dynamics in a series of quantum wells
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Christian Oliver Jaramillo, Constrained percolation in two dimensions
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2005-2006

Agatha de la Torre, Hyperbolic heat conduction in a region of a one-dimensional semi-infinite slab
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2004-2005

Maria Donna Beech, Age structure and survivability in an 8-bit Penna model
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Jane Dizon-Nombres, Phonon thermal conductivity of superlattices in one dimension
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Rayda Gammag, The effect of the chemical potential and electron concentration on the specific heat of a 2DEG in a magnetic field
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo
Ricelle Parinas, The effect of the chemical potential and electron concentration on the specific heat of a 2DEG in a magnetic field
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

1st Sem 2004-2005

Ronaldo Marco, Jr., Self-consistent simulations via root finding method of transport properties of a two-atom molecular device
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo
Eric Bryan Obias, Parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulations of a Verdier-Stockmayer polymer
Advised by: Ronald Banzon
Ryan Sandagon, 2D time independent quantum well systems: A variational Monte Carlo study
Advised by: Ronald Banzon, Cristine Villagonzalo
Gina Rose Tongco-Rosario, Monte Carlo studies of low dimensional magnetic systems
Advised by: Cristine Villagonzalo

2nd Sem 2003-2004

Chris Nombres, Population dynamics in the Penna model with short bit-strings
Advised by: Ronald Banzon